Birjhora Kanya Mahavidyalaya

Goals and Objectives

Based on the mission and the vision, our goal is the pursuit of excellence in every field.  We are looking for the best talents in games and sports, music, art, literature and cultural activities and above all in the academic field. This goal makes us spell out the following objectives:

  • To provide higher education to all eligible youths in general and SC, ST, OBC, MOBC and economically weaker section and slow learners.
  • To arrange remedial teaching for the weak and slow learners.
  • To provide access to a wide range of vocational subjects at the degree level to meet the socio-economic demands.
  • To promote among the students as well as teachers an awareness of socio-economic needs of the state and prepare them for the fulfillment in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
  • To enhance purposeful education along with the ideals of patriotism, national integration, secularism, scientific outlook and humanistic approach towards life and society.
  • To boost innovative research activities along with academic excellence.