Sl No. | Work assigned | Assigning body | Year | Date |
1 | Gunotsav Duty | Assam Govt. | 2017 | 11th October to |
2 | Gunotsav Duty | Assam Govt. | 2018 | 9th October to 11th October, 2018 |
3 | Gunotsav Duty | Assam Govt. | 2018 | 1st November, 2018 to 3rd November, 2018 |
4 | Election Duty in control room | Assam Govt. | 2019 | From 26th March 2019 (1 Month) |
5 | Examiner B.A. 3rd Sem (G) Examination | G.U. | 2019 | Â |
6 | External Examiner B.A. 6th Sem Practical | KKHSOU | 2019 | Â |
Name of | Year | Sponsored or | Title if paper | Duration | Date |
State level seminar | 2003 | KVC sponsored, | NA (Participant) | 1 Day | Â |
Workshop | 2010 | Birjhora Mahavidyalaya, | Workshop on Methodology for | 1 Day | Â |
International seminar | 2012 | UGC, Department of Education, Gauhati University | Interdisciplinary National | 3 Days | Â |
National Seminar | 2012 | National seminar on corruption and its effects in contemporary societies of India. UGC sponsored, Dept. Of Political Science, | A study on the motivating factors behind corruption | 1 Day | Â |
National Seminar | 2012 | National seminar and 20th Annual conference of North East India Education Society (NEIES) on Planning and Financing Education for National Development with special Reference to North East India. | Role of Private School in the Development of | 2 Days | Â |
International seminar | 2013 | International seminar & 27th annual conference of Council for Teacher Education (CTA) India on ‘Inclusion and Qualitative expansion in Education – Issues & Challenges.’ | A Study on the Teaching – Learning Process of B.Ed. College with special reference to Bongaigon Distriict. | 3 Days | Â |
National Seminar | 2013 | National seminar on Transforming Teacher Education in North Eastern India, | Need of Building and Promoting a Culture of Peace | 2 Days | Â |
National Seminar | 2013 | 21st Annual Conference-cum-seminar of the | Interrgating peace Education in the School Curriculum | 2 Days | Â |
National Seminar | 2013 | UGC sponsored National seminar on promotion of Research Culture in Enhancing Quality Higher Education in India. Â | Attitite of Researches towards Research Ethics. | 2 Days | Â |
International E Conference | 2014 | ESI Sponsored | Imparting peace Education Through Co-Scholastic Activities at the School Level. | 1 Day | Â |
Regional Seminar | 2014 | ICSSR – NER sponsored, Regional seminar on Changing scenario of Development in North East India. | Quality Higher Education and Role of Teacher. | 1 Day | Â |
International seminar | 2015 | ICSSR sponsored International seminar on “Women Empowerment : Issues and Challenges.” | Mother : The First Pillar of Peace Education. | 3 Days | Â |
National Seminar | 2015 | National seminar cum 23rd Annual Conference and Silver Jubilee Celebration of North East India Education Society. | Teachers as Peace Educators : An analytical Study. | 2 Days | Â |
National Seminar | 2017 | ICSSR, NERC sponsored, | Gifted Children and The School : An Analysis. | 2 Days | Â |
International seminar | 2019 | ICSSR sponsored, | Presenter | Â | Â |
National level workshop | 2019 | National level work on “Choiced based Credit system (CBCS) Curriculum : A new dimension to Higher Education” Organized. | Participant | 1 Day | Â |
State level workshop | 2019 | State level workshop on Revised Accreditation Framework of NAAC. | Participant | Â | Â |
State level workshop | 2019 | State level workshop on Under-graduate Choiced Based Credit System. | Coordinator | Â | Â |
National webminer | 2020 | National webinar on Covid 19 pandemic and Understanding Mental Health and Management. | Coordinator | Â | Â |
National webminer | 2020 | National webinar on life skills and its importance in Higher Education. | Coordinator | Â | Â |
National webminer | 2020 | National webinar on New Education Policy 2020 : Revamping school and Higer Education. | Coordinator | Â | Â |
Programme Title | Programme | Sponsored or | Duration | Year | Date |
OP 92 | OP | UGC ASC (GU) | Â – | Â 2012 | 23rd April to 20th May, 2012 |
Environmental studies (Interdiscliplinary equivalent to refresher course in education) | RC | HRDC (Punjab University) | Â – | Â 2015 | 27th June to 17th July, 2015 |
Online interdiciplinary subject refreshers course in learning outcomes and educational reform-Pedagogy assessment and quality assurance | RC | UGC HRDC (AMU) | Â – | Â – | 18th November to 2nd December, |
Use of ICT tools for classroom teaching | FDP | E & ICT Academy in association with Birjhora Mahavidyalaya | 6 Days | Â 2019 | 10th June to 15th June, 2019 |
Mentoring pedagogy and use of ICT tools for online classroom delivery | FDP | E & ICT Academy in association with SITM & IQAC Pachim Guwahati Mahavidyalaya | Â – | Â 2020 | 21st September to 28th September 2020 |
Mentoring pedagogy and use of ICT tools for online classroom delivery | FDP | E & ICT Academy in association with IQAC BKM and CIT Kokrajhar |  – |  2020 | 14th December to 19th December, 2020 |
Online Faculty Induction Programme | FIP | UGC HRDC AMU | Â – | Â 2021 | 12th January to 16th February, 2021 |
Title of Book/ Proceeding | Title of the Chapter/Paper | Name of Publisher | ISSN/ISBN No. |
Attitude and Awarness of Teachers Towards Peace Education – An Analytical Study | Sai Om Journal of Arts & Education, A Peer Reviewed International Journal Volume 1, Issue 1 | Sai Om Journal of Arts & Education | ISSN: 2348-3520 |
Need of Building and Promoting a Culture of Peace Through Education | International Journal Innovative Research and Studies, Volume 3, Issue 1 | International Journal | ISSN: 2319-9725 |
Imparting peace education through co-scholastic activities at the school level | Special Issue of European Scientific Journal, Special Edition, Vol. 1 | European Scientific Institute | ISSN: 1857-7881 (Print) e-ISSN-1857-7431 |
A study on the Role of Mother in Developing Peace Among Children | International Journal of Indian Reasearch and Studies, Vol. 4, Issue 11 | International Journal of Indian Research and Studies | ISSN: 2391-9725 |
Peace Education and The Role of Teacher | Education North East (Referred Journal of the North East India Education Society) | NEIES | ISSN: 0973-4902 |
Status of Peace Education in the Elementary School Curriculum | International Journal of Creative Research Thought Vol 6, Issue 1 | Â – | ISSN: 2320-2882 |
Municipal solid waste management in Bongaigaon City, Assam: Status, Problems and Challenges | Â International Journal of Creative Research Thought (IJCRT) Volume 11, Issue 2 | Â ICJRT | Â ISSN: 2320-2882 |
Proceedings of North East India Education Society | Integrating Peace Education in the School Curriculum an Urgent Need of the Time. | Â – | Â – |
Changing North-East-an Insight | Quality Higher Education and Role of Teachers | M.B. Printers | ISBN: 978-93-5196-198-7 |
Proceedings of International e-commerce on World Peace Day | Imparting peace education through co-scholastic activities at the school level | European Scientific Institute | ISBN: 978-608-4642-28-2 |
Contemporary Issues of Indian | Peace Education, What, Why and How | Edited by Dr. Phunu Das, | ISBN: 978-93-84466-30-5 |
Recent Trends of Education | Environmental Education and Environmental Protection | Edited by Dr. Utpal Kalita, Dr. Phunu Das Sarma, | ISBN: 978-93-88998-61-1 |
Preronadayini Minoti Barthakur | Minoti Barthakur – An Epitome of Strength | Edited by Nikumani Hussain, | ISBN: 978-93-80247-26-7 |
Value and Peace Education | Â | Written by Dr. Kalpana Kalita Das & Sonmoni Roy | ISBN: 978-93-84466-53-4 |