Date of establishment : General Permission obtained to open TDC 1 year Economics General course from 1995.
Major Permission obtained to open TDC 1″ year Economics Major 28/12/2004.
Departmental E-mail ID:
Programme offered: H.S. course
Three years (six semester) degree course (B.A) Major & General.
CBCS Honours and Regular courses science 2019 onwards.
Total seat capacity of the department: Major – 20 Nos.
“The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economics questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists”
– Joan Robinson
Preparation of students capable of critical thinking and independent Analysis for living their lives of responsibility, leadership and service.
Provide quality education in economics to future leaders of Industrial sector, Government, Sector and Civil Society etc.
1. To ensure that the students have the integrative and critical thinking skills and quantitative and qualitative abilities to analyse complex domestic, economic, social and global problems.
2. To ascertain that our students have the necessary interpersonal, Communication and leadership skills so that they can function as responsible citizens.
3. To create a community of teacher and students who are actively engaged with each other and the world.
History of the department:
Birjhora Kanya Mahavidyalaya stated from the year 1993. The subject Economics was introduced right from its inception. The programme offered by the department are designed to provide a general understanding about the function of economic system in our daily life and the role of institutions, groups and within that system. It provides Higher Secondary course as well as UG level general course in the year 1995. Mrs Honey Chamuah was it’s founder teacher. After the span of time, department get permission to open Economics as a major subject in the year 1996.
Scope of Students:
With the blessed of the subject economics, students organised themselves in the lap of skill development, which is versatile in wide range of area. An economics students will be comfortable in dealing with numbers as well as experienced in using innovative techniques to overcome the problems. She will have developed an analytical mind along with a strong economic awareness, Skills which can be reflected to various sectors, both in public as well as private Sector respectively.
In the government sector one may try in Indian Economic Service (IES), job in Reserve Bank of India (RBI), job in public sector Bank….etc.
The departmental library has a total of 100 books, out of which 80 books are specimen copies and 20 books are bought out by our faculties for smooth functioning of their classes.
Other activities:
1. Departmental Digital wall magazine:
A departmentel digital wall magazine (E- wall magazine) “Riansh” -first ray of the sun is made by our students every year.
Current topic for the Session 2021-2022: “Money in our life”.
2. Departmental society:
The faculty and students of the department of economics helmed the setting up of the College’s Economics Society “Flockonomics”. The society Provides a platform to students and faculty to complement their theoritical Knowledge with real-life economic, political and social issues and mingle It with interesting fun activities.